Experience with Simaudio Moon North amps

Does anyone have experience with moon north amps- the 761 or 861

particularly interested in mono mode

looking to match with Sonus Faber speakers, DCS dac  and Octave Audio Jubilee preamp

your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.


I have the 891/861 combination, and the sound is completely amazing and cannot imagine a better sound from either the DAC/streamer using Roon (particularly with Roon through the MIND streamer which to my ears is more detailed than using a high-end USB cable into the 891’s USB input which is also excellent sound) or through my Rega Planar 10/Aphetta 3 combination through the Moon 810LP inputted into the 891. I have not tried the 891’s internal phono stage. The 891 DAC/streamer is upgraded from the one in the 791. There is a certain natural flow and detail to the music that is amazing and very lifelike and three dimensional, with excellent detail and bass, yet smooth, and makes one want to listen for hours. The pair retail for $47,000, and I think they are an excellent value relative to the cost of other high-end amp/streamer/DAC/pre-amp/phone pre-amp combinations where one could easily spend $100k or more. It is a certain flow state this pair creates that makes for an amazing sound.


I am considering the 761 vs 861 at this time.  My dealer only has the 761.  You mention that the 861 is 25% better than the 791.  Please elaborate and explain the difference.

Trying the 761 (stereo mode) in my system, I particularly like the bass, separation of instruments, clarity and articulation.  The tonal quality of the bass and lower midrange seem very good.  As the frequency rises, the tonal character of the instruments seem to become harsher, brighter, especially instruments like violins. French horns sound more "brassy" and lose some of their "roundness" or "warmth" (vs other brass instruments). Note I am playing classical music. My preamp is a VAC Master, all my cables are Shunyata (sigma for power, omega for interconnects) and my speakers are Sonus Faber Il Cremonese-- so my system should be on the warmer, less clinical side.

I therefore am interested in knowing in particular if the tonal quality of the 861 is different from the 761.  If other sonic characteristics are also different that information would be appreciated.

Thank you for answering.  I appreciate your insight.

Thanks for asking the question Craig, I’m interested in that too. You have a very impressive system. I Auditioned the 761 in my system, Looking to improve on my Michii S5. I could not hear an improvement, certainly not one I would write the check for. I like simaudio equipment And was hoping this would be a keeper, but for me, it was not even though I’m sure it’s a fine amp. I keep trying to improve on what I have, but I think the Michi  maybe punches above its weight. I’d certainly be interested in the 861, however, if it is the kind of improvement described and would be very interested in the answer to your question from someone with experience.