Experience with B&W 703?

My situation, that it really matters or not, is that I haven't been able to sell my old Sequell II's, so I'm going to have to trade with the dealer - he'll give me a very fair trade price. Anyway, based on the lines he carries and my budget, my choices are limited. The 700 series seems to be my best option. I just don't like the sound of the 704's - a bit too laid back and "vailed" in the mid to high ranges. I'm waiting to get back there and audition the 703's, but I thought I might get some feedback here. Most of the reviews I've read of the 703's say the same thing; that they tend to be a bit forward and bright. I don't want to end up with an edgy or harsh-sounding speaker. Any input from those of you familiar with the 703's would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you skyhawk. I agree with you about the need for a long break-in for speakers, especially the 703. I did think that the dealer's demos were very forward and somewhat harsh sounding. But, then I listened to my co-worker's 703's which he's had for more than seven months, with lots of hours on them, and I thought they sounded very good. So now I'm trying to remember what my co-workers really sounded like. I may have been somewhat infuenced by happy hour at his house, whereas, I was stone-sober at the dealer demo! Thus, my thread on the 703.

I always appreciate the opinion of others. I just hope I can trade the 703's down the road and not lose too much. I never see any 703's listed here. I don't know if that's because no one wants them or if the owners are happy with them and don't want to part with them!!?? I hope it's the later.

Who knows if the ones that I heard were broken in or not - I really don't know.

However - I would strongly recommend auditioning speakers from other brands before buying the B&W 703, based on the lackluster audition I had with them. I have heard many pairs of ~$500-$1000 speakers that sounded MUCH better than what I heard.
Gee, I must get my hearing checked because I would love to find some $500 -$1000 speakers that sound MUCH better than the 703's. I thought the speakers sounded great when I heard them powered by some Rotel separates, but a little bright when powered by a Denon receiver. I would suggest a good amp to tame the highs and you'd have a good combination.
What if what you heard was not a good representation of the 703's? You seem so convinced that noone else could like the sound of these speakers, yet there seem to be many positive responses for these speakers. Does this bother you? Is there an agenda that we should know about?
FYI, both previous posts are mine (I wanted to add that question in the last post and remembered to log in with my user name).... sorry for the confusion.