Experience with ATC 20A-2 Active speakers?

I am considering a pair of ATC 20A-2 active speakers for a smaller room that is 11 by 16. I don't have a local dealer so I cannot audition them. I was wondering if anybody had experience with these speakers and also whether anybody are using ATC's cheaper preamp (CA2). my front end is a Phillps SACD1000 with Modwright's Absolute Truth mods.

Thanks for your responses. The bass has always been the problem in the room. I just sold a pair of Tyler Acoustic Linbrook Signature System (with bass modules). While I loved them from mid-bass up, the bass was just not there and what was there was boomy and poorly defined. i have tried other speakers and they all seem to suffer the same fate in the room. I have tried different room treatments, but with no real luck yet. I was hoping that the ATC's smaller size, yet potent bass might be what the doctor ordered. I am also intrigued by the midrange that everone raves about. I have always felt that my system lacked immediacy and the sense of being there. One last question, is the CA-2 hard and does it become fatiguing over time?
I am an ATC fan - I have been living with the SCM20-2 Actives for years now. They are nothing short of amazing. But, quite sensitive to the ancillary equipment, of course! The preamp and/or DAC used is critical - there is no hiding from these revealing speakers. These will sound incredible in a room that size. If you are going to use a subwoofer with these, I have great results with the REL S2 - the smallest driver of the S series. I also have a pair of ATC-SCM10-2 passive monitors as well as a pair of the new SCM40 passives as well. I will be selling the SCM20-2 actives, if you are interested.
The Subwoofer Pros 12 or 18 would be another great choice if you feel the need for a sub.
I have the scm 19 v2 and I wish sometimes I did have active sometimes...but my modwright seems to be a nice balance and drive them wonderfully...don’t over do room (bass traps) with them...it can be that much of a difference between meh or now were talkin....no need for sub in my room...thought I needed...but i had over damped...now its opened up and way more dynamic....setup with them is the pay off.