Entry Level Cables


I'm currently in the process of upgrading my system a little bit at a time. Right now I'm using a Onkyo SR606 with some basic terrible speakers. I added the Onkyo for xmas and now I'm ready to upgrade my mains. I don't have much of a budget, so right now I've been looking at Paradigm's Titans or possibly a good deal on Paradigm's Reference Studio 20. Assuming I purchase the 20, what would be a good, entry level cable to run?

I've heard that I can't go wrong with Kimber's 8TCs, but they are just a bit beyond my currently target range of $100-$200 total to wire both speakers. Since I'm new, I most certainly don't want to make any terrible mistakes and skimp on the cabling and make my speakers essentially worthless. On the other hand, $400-$500 for cables is just too much for me right now.

Thanks for the input!
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why not go with the 4tc's? That's what I use, and they work fine for me for the time being.

Does anyone have experience with the SP2 and SP3 (recent version) and can describe the differences between the audio experience?

I know this is subjective. That's what I'm interested in.

:) listening,


Belkin PureAV Silver series on shameless blowout from Parts Express.

This is monocrystal hyper-pure copper with individually insulated multiple gauge conductors. At their original retail price the closest you could get was Harmonic Technologies at twice the price. I bought two pairs to do an external bi-wire for $40 on this closeout!

The bargain would be meaningless if they didn't sound good, but they sound REAL good--very clear, transparent, fast, wide bandwidth at both ends, excellent clarity, but always with a natural, organic-sounding presentation. They replaced some silver-plated AudioMagic internal bi-wires to great improvement. I like them a lot!