Emotiva amplifiers review/experience?

Anyone had a chance to try out the Emotiva amplifiers and compare them to some of the more well known brands? How are the sound quality of the amps and how do they compare to other brands? Are they significantly worse or by some slight margin? Please let me know as I'm very interested in their products! Thank you!
I have a 7 channel Emotiva MPS-1 amp. It is a caged 7 "blade" design, so each blade is essentially a digital powered monoblock. It is outstanding for home theater (200 watts per channel). It was quite satisfactory for a couple of years in two channel, but I was using a custom modded DAC with an Oppo used as a transport.

I now use a BAT-600 SE amp for two channel and the mains in HT, but I still use the MPS-1 for the other 5 channels. I hear no reason to change the Emotiva MPS-1 when used this way.
"Mtrot, I would be inserted in hearing about your experience with the McCormack DNA-1."

Elem, I received the DNA-1, but it had a loud hum issue. Incredible kudos to SMc Audio, as I had emailed them for help and they called me that very night and spoke with me for almost an hour, even though I did not buy from them. At their suggestion, I picked up a "cheater" plug, which has only two prongs. This did the trick, and confirmed that the problem was a ground loop hum, as SMc suspected. I just got the cheater plug today, so I have not yet done much critical listening.

I did try a couple different speaker cables: Goertz MI-2 Veracity and an older set of Tara Labs RSC Prime bi-wire. Speakers are Monitor Audio Silver 9i. I did not receive any Zobel networks with the Goertz and this may be a problem, in that it seems that if I crank the volume very much, I get a crackling and popping distortion. I am going to get the Zobels and try again. I will say that at low volume, the Goertz sound fabulous on vocals. Admittedly, an old design, the Tara do not suffer from any limitation on cranking the volume, but at the same time do not do much for me. They are OK, but I don't feel like they do great on the highs or on conveying the timbre and tone of music.

Now that I have solved the hum issue, I am going to do a lot more critical listening.
Emotiva - my current office system: Manley Shrimp pre, Sim Moon CD.5, Music Hall DAC 25.2, Paradigm Sig S4 V2, Sonos z90 feeding a Firstone Bravo (w/supplier power), my amps alternate between UPA-1 mono blocs and Rogue Atlas power amp. The Emotiva more than holds it own againt the Rogue (which I prefer slighty). I listen to mostly Jazz and Rock and I am very happy with system. Caution I wouldn't use a solid state pre in this set-up as it does sound slightly "etchy"...

Happy listening
These replaced vintage McIntosh equipment, the 2125 amp and C-36 pre-amp. Don't regret the switch for minute. The XPA-3 dumps all over the Mac power-wise, clarity, bass slam, and high frequency extension. The pre-amp has a very effective and convenient built-in crossover that makes adding a subwoofer easy. As for build quality, all you need to do is read their website for a description of the parts used.

Emotiva gets some grief from the high end snobs because they all too ofter equate price with quality when there isn't always a reasonable reason to do so. Emotiva's business model allows they to offer high quality equipment at reasonable prices. Pull the trigger on the Emotiva. You won't regret it. And if you do decide to re-sell it, watch how fast they go here at Audiogon.
Any grain that is heard in the xpa 2 can be removed by using hifi tuning fuses I know I have done this with no negative drawbacks only positive improvements. Well worth the money spent. Second to that would be a power cord I found jps labs to work well the two combined it is much Improved and wouid put it up against many socalled hi end amps. Buy one