EMM transport clarification

this is a quote form 'Positive-feedback online' reviewing the new EMM player.

"The results were no less than startling. As much as the DAC 6e Signature improved on the 6e, so did the CDSD Signature transport over the prior generation"

It was my understnading the renamed signature transport is unchanged form the prior transport except for the addition of a plastic drawer. Name changed to be comnsistant with the model line. I'm confused here. Could some one clear this up please.

Good pick-up. I noticed the same thing, but didn't post it here for fear of it going missing. Someone must be mistaken.
i'm confused too. i believe you correct. the distributor here last month said name changed only so its consistent with model line.
There is actually an audible basis for that comment in Positive Feedback. The Signiture edition CDSD is shipped with a new software program for Redbook playback. I've owned the two previous generations of EMM Labs gear (Meitnerized Philips Player / DAC 6 / Switchman II; CDSD / DCC2, and now the Signiture edition combo. The improvement in Redbook playback is not subtle- it is VERY close to their SACD performance. Their extraordinary SACD playback has been very well documented in the audiophile forums. Considering the enormous CD collections most of us have- this Redbook sofware upgrade is an important change to the original CDSD and an exciting audible improvement.
This is indeed very confusing. I could have sworn on my mother's grave they said the CDSD was upgraded including a new plastic drawer to replace a metal one but absolutely NO CHANGES to the DCC2 dac except for name change to remain with remain with current line.
