Electro Dynamic Braking in Mirage M3-si


Can anyone elaborate what Electro Dynamic Braking in Mirage M3-si's 10inch woofer is please?
Or to point to a resource (brochure?) online where I can read/download about it?

This tech was also in M7-si but absent in top of the line (which is strange) M1-si (and also absent in M5-si).
Also, the first M series (without 'si') had no Electro Dynamic Braking on the woofer (none of the models).

I found this info in the original Mirage Msi brochure and I am very curious to find out what it is. 
Is this something to do/similar to servo controlled woofers?
Does it benefit the woofer control in real life? Why Mirage wouldn't use it in top of the line M1-si though?

many thanks
Thanks csmgolf

I was thinking of contact him directly already and......tried to search for him on Facebook and LinkedIn to no avail hehe. 

I have already emailed Soundstage Audio now to ask for his email address. We will see what they say. 
It is just strange that there is no info on this tech anywhere on the internet or in the reviews and no one knows what it is about.