Electraglide Synapses 2

I am very interested in feedback from those who have auditioned the Electraglide Synapses 2.
Did anyone made a comparison between the Synapses 2 and the Epiphany X?

Thanks for your feedback!
If you can find a good used one for a dirt-cheap price, give it a try on your component. Odds are slim that someone with either of those Densen integrateds has tried the EG Synapsis II on them. Let your own ears decide.
I recently bought an EG Synapses #1 on auction. Will power it up to my DCS Elgar+ to see the difference

The Synapses #1 does not seem to weigh anything. (kinda light) - can anyone confirm this.

More later
Hello Thongoo,

I know the powercord very well, and it's one of the best powercords Electraglide has made the past years. There is not much or no comparison with the Epiphany X and little with model Synapses 1. They are much more about resolution and transparancy, but the Synapses 2 is more than that. It has resolution, colours, musicality, 3 dimensionality, etc. I can recommend it with confidence. I have not heard there new EG SOTA cable, maybe it is even better. Take into account that the brake-inn time is very long for the Synapses 2.

If you want really much better, than look into Advanced Listening Audio Cables, and you probably reached the end of the search for cables. It is build in Germany, so I don't know if the cable can be fitted with the right wallplug.

With kind regards,

Countguarneri - thanks for the comment.

I just got two Electraglide Synapses-2 and will audition them with my Densens / B-150, B-420 this weekend.

I hope to get my new Isotek Orion also within the next days.
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