Electraglide Synapses 2

I am very interested in feedback from those who have auditioned the Electraglide Synapses 2.
Did anyone made a comparison between the Synapses 2 and the Epiphany X?

Thanks for your feedback!
I have a Synapsis 2 in my system and it is a remarkable cord. It is very open, detailed and has a lot of punch and just has an uncanny ability to make the music sound right. It replaced a Nordost Vishnu (too bright) and a Cardas Golden Reference (Nice but not as dynamic as the Synapsis). I have tried the Epiphany 3 which is sort of entry level for Electaglide and was quite good in it's price range. The Epiphany X is a higher level than the Epiphany 3, but I have never heard it. I can't imagine it being much better than the Synapsis. Hope this helps.
Cyclonicman - Tank you for the feedback!

Maybe someone also have made any comparison between Electraglide Epiphany X, Synapses and Acoustic Zen power cords / Absolute, Gargantua, Krakatoa.

I am looking for a very "nice" cord that fits perfect with a Densen integrated / B-130 or B-150.

A small and simple system:
Densen B-110 / next upgrade: Densen B-130 or 150 (not sure)
Densen B-420 CD / with Purist Audio Dominus PC
Audio Agile Step Compact speakers
Acoustic Zen Hologramm II
Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II

Any comments about the combination?

Thanks again
If you can find a good used one for a dirt-cheap price, give it a try on your component. Odds are slim that someone with either of those Densen integrateds has tried the EG Synapsis II on them. Let your own ears decide.
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