Ear 834P or Decware ZP3 or other tube phono stage

Slowly working up my system from components I've used for some years to better sounding stuff. I'd like some recommendations.

I have a collection of 7000 to 10000 records in it that span all kinds of styles and pressings and condition. I have used a VPI HW19 with a Rega 250 and a bunch of different cartridges over the years. It lives at work.

At home I drive either JBL 4311B or Klipsch KG4 with an NAD 3020 or an NAD 1020 into an NAD 2200. There is an old Scott 299 floating around that gets some use but it needs some help.

Front end stuff is VPI Scoutmaster with a Benz Micro Glider HO, Elac table with some generic Technics cartridge for 78's. I've also been using an NAD PP2 for the second table. I intend on getting a good mono catridge, perhaps one of the Lyras and another armwand to play the monos.

I'd like to get a good phono stage first then some form of tube amp to drive the speakers with instead of the NAD stuff.

The monolithic ps 2 is a steal at around $600. great adjustability and clean clear sound. I have a high resolution system with several expensive tube and ss phono stages and keep coming back to the monolithic. Later if you wish you can upgrade to an outboard power supply.
I have a modded 834P and love it. It replaced a McCormack phono, Pro-ject tube box II, and a Bellari vp-somethingorother. Haven't heard anything else in this price range, well, not in my system.
It's challenging to get gear like this where I live. The high end audio stores have all gone out of business or turned to video surround sound dealers and don't mess with analog.

I usually buy stuff off the Gon here and probably will in this case as well. I guess I just pick something and try it with my stuff and if it's not right sell it on here and get something else. Is that the drill or are there other things I could do to make good guesses?