Hi All,
I have had the speakers for about 3 weeks now and they sound good…but not fully great. Lots of detail but imaging isn’t spectacular and soundstage is decent. Totally maybe a little soft on some things like nylon string guitars but can be a wee bit sharp on steel string guitars. Bass seems a little weak compared to how they sounded with just under a 100 hours on them. I have about 250 hours playing time on them, but a lot of that is at quite low volume. I’m still playing a lot with speaker positioning but have yet to get to a point where the speakers just disappear and I feel like I’m just listening to music. I feel I’m listening to sounds more than music, if that makes any sense. Could this still be a breakin thing? They are attached to a Bryston 4B SST amp and Bryston bp 20 preamp (which is 30 years old). Maybe it’s the preamp that isn’t giving them a more musical sound?