Duevel Planets - comments?

Friends, in my search through the speaker wilderness, I came across a picture of these amazing looking speakers that look Bauhaus and cost cheap. Anyone heard these or lived with them? Thanks.
Rhljazz, thanks for sharing. Sounds like the perfect speaker for my decor, casual listening intentions and the very asymmetrical design of my room.
I setup a 2-channel system last month that uses Planets. My neighbors were so smitten by my stereo that they commissioned me to put a stereo together for them! Their house is open-floor-plan style so their living room is a large space (about 37x22 with some partitions). Since their decor is modern, budget is limited, a small size is desired, AND they wanted them "to sound good anywhere in the room," I went out on a limb and spec'd out the Duevel Planets.

It was a total success. I had never heard these speakers and the only reason I knew of them is from their positive review in Hifi+ some months ago. I knew omnis would be the only option to fill their big space but the Planets are tiny speakers! They are much smaller than they look in pictures. But, as unlikely as it seemed, they are INCREDIBLE. I heard them the other day now that they are broken in and their sound is remarkable for such tiny columns.

My neighbors are thrilled. Their budget (normal people find a $2000 stereo to be craziness, but they have good taste. :) limited the amp choice to a NAD stereo reciever of 50W strength but the Planets and the NAD get along perfectly well! Never seems to be lacking power and even from the remote parts of the space, the soundstage is realistic and present, and tonal balance is excellent. Most impressive performance for mere $1400 speakers. I very highly recommend them and Ted at highendaudio dot com is a pleasure to deal with.

From what you've said you want, I think these are perfect for you. They look super cool and sound remarkable. They certainly sound better than I was expecting.


PS, the Hifi+ review made it sound like they were a little rolled off on top. I didn't find them to be that way at all. Right out of the box, they were actually too bright. But now that they have about 150 hours on them, they sound perfect. Very detailed in an audiophile sort-of-way. There is a 1 foot gap with the back wall, which is just enough to get powerful bass (the extent of which is shocking) and yet not have it be boomy. The top end, luckily, is perfectly balanced in this condition.

There weren't any in the USA when I ordered them so I had to wait 6 weeks for them to come from Germany. Hopefully you won't be in a hurry if this last shipment is already sold out. Apparently they are selling faster than Duevel can make them.

Aball, thanks for the great review. Sounds like just ticket for me. I had been looking at something quite a bit more dear - the VA Mahlers or Verity Parsifals. But I came to my senses and realized that the omni design of the Planets is perfect for my space and intentions. I suspect that I would heve been disappointed with the Mahlers or Parsifals - not because they are lacking in any meaningful way. Its just that they are not the right tool for the job or space. Somtimes that is a bitter pill when you have your heart set on something that is great but just not right - regardless of the cost differential which is exponential in this case. Again, thanks for the enthusiastic review. I will look forward to providing my own review soon - assuming there are any available.
I have both Venus and Bella Lunas; they are just great. If you like open, dynamic and smooth sound Duevel is the ticket.