Dual Subs set up advice

Can anyone give me some advice on best practice to run dual subs? I have two Martin Logan Descent i subs for a strictly two channel system with ML Prodigy mains.

My options are:
Speaker level in
RCA in (sub has both left and right in for single sub use)
Balanced XLR (LFE)in (only one XLR in)

I am running the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 which has both balanced and SE outputs.

As of now, I am running them from the 2nd post on my Krell 300M amps but was wondering if it would be just as well to run SE (rca) left out from preamp to left sub in and vice versa for the right. Or, go balanced #2 outs (balanced #1s used for amps) to the single (XLR) LFE in on the subs.

Thoughts opinions?

I use an Audio Control Richter Scale crossover for a similar setup. It has a built in EQ for the bass level and this helps a lot in balancing the setup. It operates at pre-amp level only however.
Sorry for the confusion NAk, I use a standard speaker cable run between the speaker teminals on the sub to a piggy back RCA's into the main speaker teminal on the speaker. Left sub to left speaker and right sub to right speaker.
It does show how to do this in the ML Descenti manual.
Scousepasty, you have RCA jacks on your speakers? Do you mean you run lines in parallel from your speaker input terminals to the speaker level in on the sub?

The way I am running my cables is essentially the same, in parallel.