Dual duty and LOUD

I have the upgrade bug and am looking to replace my main speakers (Infinity kappa 9). My room size is 17x21 and my speakers are about 12 feet apart and I sit 10 feet back in a sweet spot. I need a speaker that is for music 80% of the time and AV for the rest. I have plenty of amplification so efficent is not an issue. I use aragon pallidium mono blocks for my mains and an aragon 2005 for the center and surrounds. I'm not opposed to using a sub-woofer, I have a M&k Mk70. but it not nessary to use it. I mainly listen to classic rock and Blues. I have a second system for Jazz and classical that I listen to at much lower volume levels. I was wondering if my room is too small for planners. I do like full range speakers but would consider a monitor if it was large enough to put out some decent bass. Paradigm studio 40s come to mind.
What I'm looking for is a speaker and has lots of detail and plays crystal clear at high volume with good punch in the bass and crispy highs. It would also be nice if they sounded good at lower volume too! I haven't heard many high end speakers and I don't have many good stores in the Cleveland area to audition speakers so this site will have to be my startig point
Here are some of the speakers I have been considering
1. Vandersteens A good rock speaker or so they say
2. Paradigm studio 100s or their larger monitors
3. Canton Ergo 902. I love the clairity and detail of Cantons I have heard in the past but I haven't heard any of their currunt offereings
4. Maggies I will need some help here. anyone care to chime in?
5 Von schweikirt Maybe??
If there are others you feel I should consider let me know. It has been my experence that most expensive audiofile speakers are not loud enough for my liking so please keep this in mind. These speakers will be abused and used for movies also. I will most likely buy used so I can get more bang for my buck. <5k.
Does this speaker exist? Let my hear your comments
I am a fan of Vandersteen,but I would never say they were a rock speaker or that they met the criteria you articulated. Many people find them a bit laid back compared to typical speakers in their price range, IMO that's because they do NOT overemphasize the high end to provide first listen sizzle. I have heard the Von Schwiekerts and they may be a good choice. Lots of bottom and they sound good loud.
I have Reimer Teton GS's (check others on a'gon here) which are exactly what you're describing and happen to be very efficient as well. No sub needed because they go very deep and move a lot of air. Sweet ribbon tweeters. Beautiful cabinet work. Mine moved out of the HT (13x18x8) mainly due to WAF issues (size) so are sitting doing nothing now (I have both large and small Merlins).
I recently listened to the Revel F12s and was very impressed. They definitely fit your loud and clear requirements, and at $1300 new would probably be cheaper than some of the aforementioned suggestions. Deep bass but not quite the feel-in-your-chest variety that you may want.
Take a look at these. They are $685 each direct. Build or have someone build you some beautiful cabinets and I think you would have what you are looking for.

I don't think you'll find anything new that compares to the Kappa 9's for under 5K. You do have the power to drive Apogees/Analysis or Maggies which will be smoother but still prefer to be fairly loud. Neither has the bass you're used to and might require sub. The room is plenty big.

My humble suggestion is to set your sights, budget and patience a bit higher. I went from Kappa 8's to Genesis 350's and never looked back.