Driving MBL 121: Accuphase or Gryphon

I am looking out for an integrated amp (this is for my second system and compactness and small number of cables and wires are a must) to drive power hungry MBL 121.

These speakers have a very low efficiency (82db or so) and the amp needs to deliver a lot of juice to move and shake them.

I am pretty sure that the Gryphon Callisto 2200 would be a good mate both in terms of power (2*200 into 8ohms, 2*400 into 4 ohms) and sound (its rather razor-sharp personality will blend well with the sweetness of MBL speakers).

But I hesitate with a more recent Accuphase model, the E-450 which is a little bit less powerful (2*180 into 8ohms; 2*260 into 4 ohms) and has probably a more lush and reserved (?) personality. As I am currently based in Japan, I can have this piece of gear for a price which cannot compare with those at overseas dealers.

Could anyone enlighten me with their views on this dilemma?

Txs in advance

Going by the Pass Labs X350.5's power rating alone, probably not. May be better to go with MBL's own amps which are high current and well suited for their own speakers. But if you can spring for the Bryston 28B SST's, go for it.

You probably want to keep your Pass amps as they are very good. Try other speakers that are more efficient. The 121's although rated at 82 are actually more like high 70's.
Thanks for the various views expressed.

I had the opportunity to audition the MBL 121 side by side with Thiel CS3.7 powered successively by Pass Integrated 150.5 and Pass 250.5.
The X150.5 was a far cry from what it takes to move the MBL121 and was not convincing either with the Thiel (compressed, bright, aggressive, small sound stage). The X250.5 was a totally different story and was at ease with both speakers even though the combination with Thiel was not my cup of tea (again axcessive brigthness, highs a bit aggressive and not sounding enough organic: I am not sure if it is the amp or the speakers which are to blame most). By contrast, the 250.5 was a good match with the MBL121 which blossomed in comparison with what they could deliver powered by the 150.5. And the space that these tiny monitors can feel is simply incredible (and the limited bass range does not strike me as a pb in a normal home listening context).
In a nutshell, I agree that the MBL121 (and in general) need power to be moved and to deliver their staggerring soundstage and fantastic lushness but I really had the feeling that the X250.5 did not run out of steam with them. It should therefore be a piece of cake to pair MBL121 with the X350.5. More watts perhaps would not harm but I wonder if you really need 1.000w per channel. I am powereing a pair of MBL 116 with a Plinius SB301 (310w into 8ohms) which drives them seamlessly and, IMHO, effortlessly.


A lot of it depends on how hard you want to drive the 121's. At high SPL's, the 121's sound shrieky and congested, the soundstage collapses especially with orchestral music and opera, if driven with inadequate power. With the Plinius and X250.5, it is quite likely you are not driving the speakers too hard. If your listening levels are moderate, then these amps should be good enough for the 121's. But the 121's need to be cranked up to reach their full potential, for optimal soundstaging and airiness, midrange richness and instrumental bloom. Otherwise, they sound a bit dark.
I now have the 121's mated with the 350.5. Just an amazing soundstage. Very dynamic down to the 50Hz region. I feel you need a pair of subs with these. We have one so I get a bit of off channel balance.

With the Pass X350.5 no strain noted what-so-ever and completely at ease. I would expect that with a 150 lb amp.

Last night we watch a movie through the 121's. Note I have a single JL Audio Fathon F113 doing base duties (I'll add a second one later). OMFG. I didn't really realize or even think about these speakers in a HT context but they made me think of it! These speakers are more incredible than my line arrays and my line arrays are unbelievable in HT. I could see no reason to have surround sound with the MBL's IMHO. They seem to produce surround sound all by their little selves.