Doge 9 listening experience...

I was wondering if anyone has experience with the above tube monoblocks in their system? I have B&W 804 speakers with Kimber cable and looking at upgrading my Cd player and pre-amp to the Doge 6 and Doge 8. For some funny reason there is a reasonable amount of info/reviews on the 6 and 8 but nothing that I can find on the 9. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
I've had a Doge system for over two years now and am very happy with it. This system is comprised of the Doge-6 tubed CD player, the Doge-8 pre-amp, and the two Doge-9 monoblocks. Together they produce the best sound I've ever heard - wide and high soundstage, with a fullness and crispness that is beautiful to listen to, with lots of definition (and space) and dead silence when the music pauses, and all this is with the original Chinese tubes. While I plan to upgrade the tubes at some point, I have frankly been more than pleased by what this system creates, sound-wise, so I am in no real hurry for the upgrade.
I had these units shipped from China (I dealt directly with Doge - although this is not the normal way to purchase these). When UPS dropped them off, they were all on a large wooden pallet, and the delivery man needed help moving them - they are very heavy and very well made. An accurate way to view these units is as higher end Jolidas, since they were designed and manufactured by the same engineer who designed all the earlier Jolida equipment, only the Doge's have higher quality components in them. The same units are sold in Germany under the Lua name (or is it Lau?) for significantly more money and a slighter different outside look.
Hi, I am interested in getting the Doge preamp and CD player, just wondering how you dealt with Doge directly? Thanks.
I am one of the only US dealers for Doge. Drop me a line and I'll get you more information on pricing and availability on ALL the Doge products.
Thank you.
I just bought the Doge 9's and the 6/8 also. They are superb. I also bought directly from the factory in Changsha...great buying experience. Units arrived very well packed and on a heavy pallet. After a few days of listening...I can only say fantastic. I am changing out the pre-amp tubes as I think that may be a little bright as some others have reported, but I am looking forward to getting more hours in with these amps before posting a sorely needed proper review.
I have had these amps together with the Doge 8 preamp and the Doge 6 cd player since December 2013 (more than a year and 3 months), bought them directly from China through Mark. (I live in Israel).
At first, the Amps with the original tubes sounded quite crappy to my ears. I changed all(!) tubes to NOS, including the 211 to GE. That last change was critical to the quality of the sound and made the most improvement. Overall the sound is VERY good, in my view comparable to almost anything out there with the usual trade-offs (like when you use low watt amps you will get less distortion but smaller sound-stage etc. ). My speakers are moded Klipsch La Scala and I use the lower negative feedback option on the Doge (but you will get much more dynamics on the high NF option).
From my experience these amps are very sensitive to the kind of cables you use (mine started to really sing only after I switched to an expensive MIT IC). Then I could experience the Nirvana I was looking for.
As for the Doge 8, don't dare using its MC input stage. Its the worst I ever heard. If you have a MC cartridge, use the MM with either a SUT or head amp. Again, change all tubes to NOS.
The CD 6 is also amazing, very recommended at its price.
As for service, don't expect what you get in the US, but the saving in costs makes up for that. I have bought many audio components in my 30 years in audio and this was the best deal, no doubt about it. Will it last 30 years or more like an an old McIntosh or Leak? I doubt it, but what current production amps will?