Typically, much more enjoyable alone because I like loud rock and certain songs simply must be played at high volume to have impact. But when it comes to listening with other people, it depends on who those people are. I have a husband and wife as friends (I used to work with the husband and he wrote stereo equipment reviews for a magazine) who are audiophiles and I very much enjoy listening with them. We take turns picking out songs and we point out parts of the songs that impress us or get us going. The husband prefers jazz more than I do but he likes classic rock too, so that works OK. I have had some younger friends over who are not audiophiles and they tend to get bored a lot more quickly. They start checking their phones and one time after about an hour, they decided they wanted to play board games instead. It didn't seem like they'd ever learned to just sit, listen, and appreciate. I'd like to have people over who can introduce me to good stuff I may not have heard, but I don't think there are too many of those (both people and songs).