Do you remember your first cd?

There was a thread concerning Bose 901s the other night and it started me thinking about how early cds sounded on those speakers. The first cd I purchased was Scarecrow by John Mellancamp way back in 86 I think. That cd sounded ok back then but if I were to put it on now the sound would drive me out of the room. I haven't been able to listen to it since the 901s left. Another early cd is U2s The Joshua Tree which also sounds horrible now.
Just wondering now how many can recall their first cd purchase and whether they are listenable still?
I borrowed a CD player (CAL I believe) from my local dealer, so I stopped at Tower on the way home. Picked up Joni Mitchell's Hejira, which was a favorite LP and sonic reference. Boy was that disappointing! It was a while before I finally bought a CD player.
can't rememeber my first CD but my first album was the Beatles Hey Jude. Probably says something about the cool factor of CD's..or lack of there of. Can't even clean seeds on 'em
First CD: Aerosmith's Greatest Hits
First LP: Alice Cooper Billion Dollar Babies
MOVIE GREATS from 1986, a CD filled with music from movie soundtracks like Jaws, Out of Africa, Back To The Future, etc...
In anticipation of buying my first CD player (circa 1985), I bought about a dozen CDs, including:
Talking Heads - Fear of Music
- Remain In Light
King Crimson - Discipline
Brian Eno - Desert Island Collection (the individual
albums had not yet been transferred)
Laurie Anderson - Mr Heartbreak

yeah, I guess that was in my Adrian Belew phase ;-)

Dire Straits' Brothers In Arms was certainly a very early purchase.

I still remember how cool my dozen or so CDs looked, standing up in a compact, heh, row, on their own accord, waiting patiently for me to install a player.