do tube amps have weak midbass?

i have been trying to figure out why the bass from my vk-75 sounds great on some recordings but almost disappears on others. part of the problem (i think) is a sucky AC current in my building. however, i started paying more attention to when and where the bass sucks and it seems to be primarily in midbass. the bass extention is good, such that an acoustic bass can sound very natural, but the midbass slam (?) from kickdrums and certain synth bass lines is missing.

i never noticed this "problem" with any of the SS amps i tried. is this normal for the vk-75 and/or tube amps in general? what can be done to improve it? do cables make a difference? note that i still prefer the tube sound overall...i just want to optimize my setup.

I listened to a YBA 2alpha power amp (ss) once and that had the strongest most kicking midbass I've ever heard. This was confirmed in reviews of various YBA equipment in Stereophile.
My Counterpoint hybrid amp is wonderfully liquid but lacks in this area as well, rock and roll just doesn't really work too well thru most speakers.
it might have to do with the sensitivity of the speakers as well. I heard the VK-60s with Revel Salons at a dealer (probably 86 dB sensitive) and midbass sharpness was not among this combo's strengths. Most other aspects were impressive however, as I'm sure you find with your '75s.

using a test CD, i determined that the bass suckout occurs between about 45 and 65hz. what's weird is that there's decent bass energy at 30-35hz and even some, albeit greatly reduced, at 25hz. at 70hz and above, everything's ok. is this a room effect?

any thoughts?