Do the Audio gods shine upon you?

Has anyone else had this experience or am I just nuts? You sit down for a quiet evening of Hi Fi listening and after some warmup time you suddenly realize that your system sounds dramatically better than it did the night before. I am talking about those little things like more resolution, low level detail. You know, those things that turn audiophiles on. I am almost afraid to turn my system on again for fear that the "audio gods" have abandoned me.
Yes, I do experience the sound quality fluctuations a lot too. Like some posts pointed out due to the iffy power, particulary in LA area in the late evenings. I also buy the hearing thresold case on some days theory.( I have experienced it-sitting down to listen right after dancing sessions with wife and kids to some dance music). And then there state of mind theory-which also come in to play at times. But the other two remaining same , there is still electronic nuances to deal with, which is absolutely true-even if you have PS300 or some power conditioner. Here is another peculiar behavior my system exhibits: I have Home theatre/DAC processor that I use for 5 channel casual listening. I have seperate analog balanced outputs going in a sepearte two channel pre-amp for stereo listening. My MIT digital cable occassionally looses a signal due to bad connection in the HT Preamp. Here is the kicker- The system sounds (2 channel mode) sounds MUCH better( increased resolution, deep soundsatge, all the works,) when the digital cable has the good connection in to HT pre-amp, which is turned on or off. Some times because of vib or some deep base the cable might loose a connection and I can always tell due to change in sound quality. Don't tell me it is my brain because I know it is not. Has any one experienced something like this? TRY IT IF YOU HAVE SUCH A SET-UP.
I find it difficult to understand why so many people deny the incredibly profound effect that your mindset has on your perception. In all honesty, I'd have to say that the actual reproductive quality of my rig accounts for at most 5% of my enjoyment (with the admission that numbers have little meaning here). MUCH more important are what I'm listening to and my mood. I wear galsses to see better, but beayty is not stopped by a little astigmatism.
Khrys,I think you are wrong in you Heisnberg's ucertainty principle. In a nut shell it says that it is fundamentaly impossible to know both the position and momentum of a sub-atomic particle. The more you know about one the less you know about the other untill you know the exact momentum you can know nothing about the position, and vice versa. A better quantum anology would be the wave/particle duality. Don't you think?
Merle, one of H's arguments was that in measuring the position or momentum that you would change one or the other. So while Khyrs's statement is not exactly a metaphor it is certainly related.
Robba, when you the exact position you can know nothing about the the momentun, that does not change the momentun. Furthermore he was not speaking metaphoricly, but rather using an anaolgy.