Do the Audio gods shine upon you?

Has anyone else had this experience or am I just nuts? You sit down for a quiet evening of Hi Fi listening and after some warmup time you suddenly realize that your system sounds dramatically better than it did the night before. I am talking about those little things like more resolution, low level detail. You know, those things that turn audiophiles on. I am almost afraid to turn my system on again for fear that the "audio gods" have abandoned me.
I came across exactly the same thing this week. On popped a few CD's and wow. At first I was listening to some new stuff I hadn't heard before and thought it was maybe down to that but no..even familar stuff sounded better--however I had just got up and the room was very cold--could be partly down to that I suppose. But I do subscribe to the theory that my system is variable with no obvious reason both good and bad. As a guy who works shifts I find it quite common for my system to sound better in the afternoon--possibly down to the mains not having as much use/pollution? Not sure... of course this hobby is obsessive so a little bit of madness is a healthy by-product. Of course I get it the other way too when I can't work out why the &*^% my system is sounding worse. If somebody wants to start a new religion and possibly sell me some small Audio God statues then I'm in.....ah Sonus god of soundstage..Deepo god of bass...Solvo god of resolution..Iden god of detail...Choco and Shoppo gods of keeping girlfriend happy....let's face it we've probably wasted money on worse tweaks.
It's your hearing. Varying sound levels and intensity or exposure during the day will alter your hearing sensitivity. Some days we get more exposure than others and the music doesn't sound as good. Our hearing recovers after a days dose but not totally and not right away. The evening is the worst time to do critical listening. The clinical term for this condition is TTS or Temporary Threashold Shift and can occur after a loud event or prolonged exposure to moderately high sound levels. The current federal standard for noise exposure in the work place will not protect you from the degrading effects TTS ie. relative to your desire to enjoy music. Regulations are designed for something very different, speech recognition. You can get TTS even if you work in a relatively quiet environment. Driving a car for example exposes us to levels of 100 dB or more at low frequencies which are most damaging. Over long periods TTS moves to permanant hearing loss. A loud rock concert gives a profound example of temporary threashold shift. The best time to listen to your HiFi is in the morning, before the day starts. Try it and see if your sound system doesn't show a radical improvement. Unfortunately, after many years of exposure to noise our hearing is not what it used to be. Variability in hearing on a daily basis is also related on a lesser degree to sinus conditions, colds, trama and nutrition. What you described in your post is perfectly normal and why so many audiophiles get so confused about what is good sound, great sound and awsome sound. And why some of them like BOSE from time to time.
Ben; On special this week Matilda the Midrange God. Guaranteed to sooth the soul. Just place on speakers and burn incense. Seriously I was thinking about this last week as my kids were driving me crazy I took a break and put on some tunes but couldn't get into the music at all. I just looked at the system and tried to figure out what was missing. The above post nails it for me. I work shift work and when the kids are off to school the first thing I do is play music/when it sounds best. Cheers Steve
My voltage shifts between 119 and 124. The sound shifts as well. Larryh makes a good point. Some days your ears are tired and other days are wide awake and ready to rock. Ther are certainly other factors, but it is noticed that wine doesn't taste as good when the barometer is falling, so I guess everything can have an effect on everything else. But isn't it great when everything seems to fall in to place and you get that magical feeling of being in touch with the fellings of the artist or group you are listening to? (Ben, thanks for the laughs).
Slowhand: I have found that the music just sounds better in the morning. I try to listen for an hour before going to work. If I'm reading while listening, the music becomes more "detailed" in my subconsious? for some reason.