DLP vs Plasma/LCD

I was just about ready to plunk down $4k for a Panasonic 42" plasma. I was at my brother's tonight watching the Olympics on his 42" Pioneer plasma (HD transmission,) when he tells me that I should go with a DLP for my bedroom, rather than the plasma. He claims the picture is much better and they cost less. I wasn't even considering a DLP because I didn't think it would fit in my bedroom. (being to deep) He says they make some, now, that are only a few inches deeper/wider than a plasma. Any takers? Is the DLP the way to go? If so, can anyone recommend one with killer picture quality, and relatively thin? thanks in advance. warren
Thanks Warren,
Audiotweak, Thanks for your quick response. Forgive my ignorance, but what is the Pro Buying Group ?
Toss in one more vote for the Sony 50" DLP. For under 3k I got a great looking screen that weighs less than 100 pounds and provides plenty of visual impact for my small theater. The plasmas are sexy as all get out - but the 5k difference in price I used to buy an Esoteric DV-50 to feed my bargain DLP - and I couldn't be happier.
RCA to come out with a 7 inch deep DLP made to hang on the wall
Bought myself a panasonic dlp 50 inch.. awesome!
I'm with dja except I chose a 61" JVC D-ILA/LCOS. DV-50 & ISF calibration also contending.
I was looking at the samsung DLP's in the store yesterday and I saw something that disturbed me. The bright white colors were getting "computer rendered" (for lack of a better term). This was the first time I had seen this, but it was happenning on all 3 of the samsungs and not on the other DLP's. Has anyone seen this? Could they have had the settings cranked up too high? Looking for some feedback because this threw me for a loop.