DL103 vs. DL103R

Yes, yes , yes... I KNOW this topic has been sort of DONE TO DEATH. However - there's one thing I kind of need to know. I was going to jump on one as a preliminary pickup for my new analog rig (SOTA Star, no tonearm yet) - I'd kind of decided already against it becuase the 103R supposedly had a really hot top end. My Linn Saras are just about at the threshold of comfort on the top end for me anyway - and I didn't want to put them over the edge. From what I UNDERSTAND, the 103R is much hotter (peaky) in the treble regions than the regular 103. But then I'd read a vague mention of the OPPOSITE as well. Can anybody relate the character of these to eachother in this regard? Or in absolute terms? Thanks so much even though there's so much out there on the subject already.

I also own the 103R, and find the top end very smooth, not overly bright at all.

Same experience here with Jphii and Armstrod! Loaded properly, I do not experienced any brightness.
Okay hmmm... I found the article - and it was on AUDIOGON, of all places!


Here is a direct quote;

For the down-sides, there is a hint of edge on some vocals, especially ones that are already edgy voices. It is not the last word in "smoothness" but it is certainly not bad here. It could be a little better though. There is a very slight hint of some upper midrange coloration, like the standard 103 has, but much less. The lighter coils create a slight rise in amplitude over 15kHz, that the standard DL103 does not have. I did not find this to be problematic, although those with a "hot" tweeter may not like this. The low compliance of this cartridge is not compatible with all tonearms. It likes a heavier arm, and really does perform better with gimbal arms. Heavier unipivots, or ones with damping and stabilizing may work, though.

I was all set to get one - but this kind of threw me a bit - since my tweeters tend to be a bit on the spikey side.

Cartridge comparison is one thing, system performance is another. That is why loading is very important as well as what preamp you will use etc.,etc. For the price of the cartridge, it is very difficult to resist not trying it in your system and see what happens.

I respect Tom (TWL) greatly. Who I believe made the comparison. In fact he was my mentor when I jumped to the Teres camp. But you have to realized that what he offered was a picture of what he hears and what it sounds in his system between the comparison. He made the comparison to project an idea of what he thinks about the differences of the cart in his system. Believe me, and I am sure he will tell you, that take his words with a grain of salt because it is by no means a gospel. Yes, he knows what he is doing and what he was looking for but it maybe different from what you want to hear.

In the end, it is only you who can tell if the cart works in your set up or not. Besides, you can turn around the cart and not loose a lot of your money invested in it if it did not work out for you. At least you learned something from the experienced and made a decision by yourself to keep it or let it go. So why don't you try it and decide.

Just my opinion of course!
Ok, the bottom line here is that the DL103R is definitely the better cartridge. The comments that I made which were quoted above were meant to reflect the comparison against not only the 103, but other excellent cartridges as well.

While there may be a slight rise on the top end, it is quite small and can be loaded down to your taste. If you load it a little too high, it might get a little bit hot if you have a hot tweeter.

The advantages of the smoother and more detailed treble, and also the better tracking, make the DL103R a "no brainer" choice over the regular DL103, in my opinion.