DIY. Whose speakers would you use?

If you could pick and choose from any parts out there, which tweeters mids and woofers would you spec for a DIY set of speakers? What about the crossover electronics? Which caps, etc? Crossovers to be internal. Amps SS.
Thinking caps on please!!
Emphasis on boxes for serious listening.
Thanks. Have fun with this!!
Tim, I know exactly who's comments to take seriously on this thread. One guy has already slapped the veneer on his "design" and completely glosses over the box his drivers will be in. It certainly won't be audiophile approved without a proper box. ;-) Why not ask this question where serious DIY folks hang out?
Hi Dan,
As I said, no offense intended, I really should have said "If someone could not decern" and not used "you". The comment was not meant to be personal. I have spent a fair amount of time on the diy forums through the years. I made a poor assumption that the op wanted help choosing drivers, crossover parts ect. My first response was based on that assumption. My mama always said, "don't assume".
Good Listening, Tim
Your assumption was correct.
I may not have made that obvious at the beggining of the thread. My thoughts in the design of a speaker were to begin with good parts and develope the enclosure and crossovers to exemplify their ability. Am I capable of doing that? We shall see!
The posts presented have brought out the foibles associated the with process, and I thank everyone for their input so far. Lots of great information.

Tim, I made the same assumption. It seems, I think, that all the op wants to say is that all things being equal there is still a lot of work beyond the engineering. Well, yeah. Obviously. :-) This is true of all things audio, if the goal is better sound. If the goal is a price point, going no further than crunching numbers is fine. Electronics, speakers, DACS, tonearms, etc. Most times we buy a product that has been filtered through the designer's ears.
Fostex RAAL SEAS GOTO ALE GPA BMS Mundorf Eminence Tone Tubby JBL Fatail Pro 18 sound HI-VI Accuton fountek TAD Raven PHY