So perhaps 'building the rest' isnt as esoteric and tricky as Id thought it might be. It would be convenient if simply the good care and feeding of the interim turntable would be enough of an education to approach building a proper base and putting the whole 'ultimate' thing together successfully later on. Back in my day you left table/arm/cartridge set-up to the experts, or we did, anyway - but the experts were emphatic about the importance of our leaving it to them. We didnt touch their delicate adjustments, just played the records.
Re the no-waiting table: As far as I know, we would have a hard time living with the Rega 2 until the spring, which is when Id be starting work on the Teres (or whichever platter/motor seems the best way to go at that point). I had been wondering about a P25, though. Is the RB 600 not as mod-friendly as the RB 250, perhaps? And do I wind up with a better arm in fully modifying a 250 than in partially modifying a 600, or are the end results fairly similar, or...?
By the way, are we alone in here? Is it something about DIY in the subject, I wonder? It's probably my chatty post. I'll be more concise next time - I got sort of carried away by the party of bringing recorded music back into the house!
Re the no-waiting table: As far as I know, we would have a hard time living with the Rega 2 until the spring, which is when Id be starting work on the Teres (or whichever platter/motor seems the best way to go at that point). I had been wondering about a P25, though. Is the RB 600 not as mod-friendly as the RB 250, perhaps? And do I wind up with a better arm in fully modifying a 250 than in partially modifying a 600, or are the end results fairly similar, or...?
By the way, are we alone in here? Is it something about DIY in the subject, I wonder? It's probably my chatty post. I'll be more concise next time - I got sort of carried away by the party of bringing recorded music back into the house!