Distortion and popping from new speakers

I have a problem and need some advice. I just purchase a new system from Audiogon members that now consists of new Opera Quinta speakers, a used Musical Fidelity 3.2 Int. Amp and MF 3.2 CD player. Also purchased Purist Audio Vesta speaker cable, Silver Audio interconect and a Zu Cable power cord. I have listens to the new system and it sounds good EXCEPT when I turn it up to about 45% power or about 11:30 on the volume knob. That is when the speakers will start distorting and making a popping noise, I just turn it down below 11:00 on the volume knob and it sounds good again. This is not normal is it? I have tried different CD players, interconnercts and music but that doesn't change things. What should I try next?
Hey Dave, I just thought of something else -- make sure the CD player is NOT plugged into the phono input! That would definitely cause the symptoms you've outlined above. The input level would be way too high with the bass boosted out of proportion as well -- surefire recipe for overload.
Yes it is very loud and I would not listen to it for more than about one song at that volume. When I first noticed it was when a friend come over and we listen to the intro to Hotel California. the "bass" and Acoustic Guitar into. didn't cause the problem it was after they started to play the song. So then it might be normal for a system to only play distortion free up to about 40% of full volume?
Depends on a lot of factors, including CD output voltage power rating of amp, and sensitivity of speakers.
Dave, my guess is that it is normal in this case. The amp is probably hitting full volume at around the 11 O'clock position. The only reason I find that a bit unusual is because your CD player is part of the same series from the same company and usually same-series components work very well together. Nevertheless it appears to be the case.

So relax and enjoy it. If you need to play it that loud, you'll need a much bigger amp; and at that point you may be taxing the power handling capacity of your speakers.

Distortion like you've experienced can harm/blow your speakers and you don't need to impress your friends at that cost and bother. High-end systems are not normally designed for rock-concert output levels. Heck, if you want really LOUD playback levels buy a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls and a high-powered amp... Then you'll be damaging your hearing -- not your system.

Frank :)