Differences in Audioquest Storm series (Thunder, Tornado, Hurricane)

Hi guys, I'm currently running a Audioquest Niagara 1000 conditioner, Line Magnetic 508IA integrated amp, SOTM Trifecta and a Denafrips Venus. Running the AQ Thunder from wall to the Niagara 1000, and from the 1000 to the integrated amp, AQ Z3 everywhere else.

My question is for those who had experiences with each entry in this line of power cables, how much of a difference does each tier bring vs. the previous one? What would I expect if I upgraded the main cable (wall to Niagara 1000) to the Tornado for example?

Thanks in advance.
FWIW I originally upgraded to a tornado feeding a Niagra 7000 and thought it made a huge difference. I have now upgraded to a hurricane and can hear a very significantly better sound - tighter, more definition, firmer bass, and much deeper black background. Like a thunder x 2

Now need to consider upgrading the source/amp cables from the NRG 3Z....could be getting expensive again
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I have a 1m thunder 15amp power cord I may be selling next week. I am buying a new amp that takes a 20amp power cord so I have to get a 20amp version to replace it.  I also have 4 1m tornados. I use a tornado on my line conditioner which connects to the wall, another tornado on my class an amp another tornado on my processor amp the last one on my oppo 203.  The thunder was  on my other amp which I sold last week.  I feel the tornado has the same qualities as the thunder but just slightly up the game.  From a standard run of the mill stock pc the thunder is a huge jump forward, a thunder to a tornado not that much 
@dave-t there's no need to sell your 15A Thunder as AQ will change the IEC to a 20A for a nominal charge. The after care from AQ is great so simply talk to your dealer and they'll ship it back to the AQ factory and you'll have the cable you need in a couple of weeks. Ive done this on many of their cables and also had them cut down a longer cable to multiple shorter lengths. The cost of doing it this way is definitely less then the bath you will take on a sale and repurchase.
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