Desperately seeking opinions on amp

Gurus of Audiogon, I beg you for any scraps of information regarding some apparently rare/obscure amps I am considering.

The amplifiers in question are Yamaha BX1 monoblocks. These were pure class A monoblocks rated at 100WPC. They were made in the early 80s. From what I can gather, they were Yamaha's finest.

The original MSRP was $2000 each (!). My 1996 Orion Bluebook puts them valued at $108 each. The current on-line Audiogon Bluebook is $330 each, however there is no recent sales data to support it.

There is little to no information on-line regarding these amps. Can anyone relate any information/opinions regarding these amps? How might they stack up to modern equivalents? My current main amp is a Sumo Nine Plus, which is also a pure Class A design. I am considering the Yamahas as a possible upgrade.

Could anyone estimate where their current value may fall?

Much appreciated,
These amps are legendary. I know and have heard just a couple of things about them. I'm currently waiting for my eBay partner to have his own BX-1's returned to him after a major upgrade. I'll know a heck of a lot more when I hear them in action. In any event, here's an interesting fact....the slew rate on these babies 1s over 100! More than double that of most high quality amps like Krell or Classe. I'm told that this dramatically sharpen the edges of the music. I also know via a knowledgable source that Yamaha lied about the power. It's supposed to be several times the advertised 100 WPC. I really don't have a handle on the value, but I was surprised it was as low as it was. From what I know, these things have a bit of a cult following and might get a high price from an avid fan.

Hope there was something of value in this for you.

Larry A
I heard the BX1 (I worked for a Yamaha dealer at the time) and it is NOT TO BE CONFUSED with the MX-1000, which in my opinion, was more of the harsh transistor crap of Yamaha on a slide. (Though the cx-1000 companion preamp was much better). It was a great amp at the time, with good detail easily matching the Naim amps we carried. Frankly, many people view the Yamaha gear of that time with rose-colored glasses, and try to pretend there were not technological advances in audio in the last 25 years. Honestly, a Krell killer it ain't. Did it kill the Krells of the time? It probably did. For 300 bucks it's a deal. Incidently, there is a point in time when gear like this piece does start to appreciate, so I'm not surprised it's worth 300. Let's put it this way- for 300 I'd buy it!
Just picked up a pair of these incredible amps. Tested and they are amazing. I couldn't beleive the smooth response, high end is sweet without being strident. Can't find any info on these classics, I figure they are worth at least $600.00 ea. they are a bargain at that price INMHO. That is what I am trying to get for them. thanks