DeHavilland UltraVerve tube rolling

Just bought a used deHavilland UltraVerve. Would like to hear from others as to which 6SN7, 6AH4, and 5UG tubes they have tried, and your favorites. Looking for a clear clean sound. Unit currently seems a little bass heavy. Came with a TungSol 5UG (? lettering gone), CBS and RCA 6AH4 (one of each), and a Sylvania chrome dome 6SN7. I'm thinking about a CBS/Hytron 6SN7, RCA 5UG coke bottle, and maybe Sylvania 6AH4's. Also, does anyone know if a "coke bottle" shaped 5UG will fit into the opening? It looks like it may or may not.
The distance from the top of the preamp (where the tube hole is) to the upper surface of the tube socket is 2". The diameter of the hole is 1-5/8". Can you tell me what the diameter of the tube is at that point? Thanks.
It won't fit, unfortunately. I measured a vintage RCA 5U4G, and at that point the diameter is equal to or slightly greater than 1.75 inches.

-- Al