Decware Mini Torii 2011 vs Audion Silver Night

My Audion Silver Night is down. I had it fixed in 2013 for about $1100.
I looked at Decware Mini Torii for a lower price than the repair.,The Decware is used.
should I get the Audion fixed or buy the Decware. The Audion  is new for 6K, 300B.
you think it's that much better or not. I don't know anything about Decware, but I heard 
It's pretty good.
any help,
i just moved, maybe that's why the Audion is not working, although I packed it in
the Audion original box and packing.

What speakers do you have,what do you think is wrong with your audion.

I have heard the mini torii always thought it sounded like it was straining and that was with efficient speakers.

Im using Rogers Studio 1 speakers. 86.5 db.,not efficient enough.
but that's not the main problem.
I have the speakers on eBay, thought I would sell get a more efficient pair.
i spoke to Audion, they say ship it up, we'll take care of it.
i have no idea what's wrong, was fine before I moved. Very carefully packed,
put in my car.
turn it on, can't hear any music.


I'm sorry to hear that,did you check for a blown fuse,probably has one near the pwr plug in by chance.

Does it pwr up at all?
I'm not familiar with this amp so I can't really help you but maybe somebody that is will chime in.

thanks, first thing I checked. It's working now, I put in a new 6922 tube,
not really sure that helped. It's plays, no volume, might be the low efficient
speakers. I need speakers with a db of 90, db95 would be better.
i didn't take my old speakers, gave them away. Never had a problem with them.
i hate moving, nothing is the same.
i also don't want to ship it to Audion, Maybe nothing wrong. Old like to try new speakers before I send it. Trouble buying speakers.
thanks for your help.