Hey DJ, Sorry it took me so long to post regarding the amp section. I don't have any recent first hand experience with NAD, Jolida, Creek, Rotel, or Rega.
They all have excellent reputations, though.
So here goes. First, I have to make a correction on my system. My Chario Acedemy 2's are actually 83 to 84 db, not 86. A pretty difficult load to drive.
So, that said, comparing this little over achieving Decco to my $3k Audioprism high current tube amp is not really fair.
At first listen, its very articulate, solid imaging, reasonable power, and a little on the bright side compared with the tube amp.
As I listened for some time, some of its weaknesses were exposed. It just doesn't have the tone of tubes (I am an admittedly biased tube lover as you can tell) or the front to back imagery and sound stage. It also runs out of gas when when the going gets rough. Again, its not a fair match up to put this little guy with an 83 db speaker load. Matched with a more efficient speaker, it should yield much better results.
So I hooked my Audioprism back into the system for good.
I am still loving the decco as a dac/pre! Well worth the $800 price tag alone. I look at it as a bonus that it has an amp if I ever need to service my other amp.
Bottom line, this is a great foundation for an audiophile on a budget.
Hook up your computer and/or dvd player, get some decent speaker cable to your reasonably efficient speakers, and you've got a sweet little system that just about anyone would thoroughly enjoy.
Enjoy the music and don't get too caught up in this crazy disease/hobby! lol.