DCM TF-400 info wanted

I just picked a set of these up from our local CL. Guy said he was the original owner and they appear to be in excellent condition, although I haven't had a chance to hook them up yet.

I remember hearing about these years ago, but have very little knowledge of the speakers so I wanted to see if any of you are familiar with these and if so, I'd appreciate any info you can provide, i.e. when they were made, good equipment matches, etc. In general just wanting to find out what I can about the speakers.

My TF-700's have the tweeters on the outside edge, woofers inside(of course if you switch sides, walla...) I don't notice a huge difference with inside tweeters, vice outside to my ears like with my Maggies.

I can say more horsepower from amps makes them reveal more detail for me, not that I'd spend lots more if I didn't have multiple amps laying around. I notice getting them out into the room and away from back and side wall boundaries opens them up a good bit.

I talked to the DCM folks at one point just out of curiosity and the current staff didn't seem to know too much about my very old 700's? That was kind of interesting to me.

Tonyjack, I'm not sure what you mean by both to the left? Do you mean when facing the speakers? When facing the speakers mine have the DCM logo on the inside of each speaker. On my left speaker the drivers are on the outside (opposite of the logo) and on the right they're on the inside (same side as the logo).

I've read that some of their speakers were mirror imaged and others weren't. Seems odd to me that if the drivers are off set that they would not both be to either the outside or inside.

Anyhow, your description of their sound is pretty much what I have observed as well. They're a very easy speaker to listen to, image very nicely and have an open sound that I like. Not the last word in detail for sure, but not bad. For a hundred bucks I'm happy. Looking forward to see how they will sound with better electronics. As Rootmnan said, they reveal more detail with better power and this is what I figured.

I have a very nice Acurus 3 channel amp that's not being used, but the receiver doesn't have a pre-amp output. Might be able to use a tape monitor out, but don't like to run it that way. My DVDP have a variable output and I'm going to try and see if there's enough voltage to drive this amp, but then I wont have the FM tuner so this will be a temporary set-up while I find me a deal on a decent budget receiver.

My budget project. :0)

I don't have the TF400s, but I do own a pair of TF600s that also got off CL. They are mirror-imaged with the logos on the inside. The main drivers are also both on the inside. I did a lot of research before I picked them up. Audiokarma has a number of threads on DCM speakers, including an active one right now about TF400s. The mother of all DCM threads is one on the AVSforum though. A google search with " Steve Eberbach" and "DCM" will bring it up. All of the Eberbach designed DCM speakers seem to be very well thought of by owners.
I also found it curious that your speakers seemed to have a different driver placement. But looking at the manual for the TF400 Series 2 it indicates that the drivers are, in fact, asymmetrically placed on that particular model. So I think you do have correctly matching speakers. You could also take a look at the serial numbers to confirm they are consecutive. Anyway, hope that helps and enjoy! I really dig my 600s and think they're very well-designed.
Yes, when facing the speakers, both have the DCM Logo on the upper left side. The drivers are the same configuration on both speakers as well.. For what I paid 3 or 4 years ago ($100) they are really good sounding for an alternate system. I think the imaging and sound stage are quite nice. Most people that have heard them are impressed and they have quite a following. There is a lot of discussion on the audiokarma site about DCM.
Thanks Tonyjack. Good to know mine are normal. Kind of figured they were since they sound so good and image so well. There is something very nice about these speakers. Kind of like they have a little of the Maggie sound to them. I'm looking for some nice electronics to put with them.

Thanks so much for the help. I really appreciate it.