Dartzeel 108 amp driving Wilson Watt/Puppy 8

Hi, have anyone heard the above system combination.
My WP8 are currently driven by Krell 700cx. Thinking of changing amp to a Dartzeel or Audio Research Ref series. Have heard the Dartzeel(not with WP8) and was impressed by its superb clarity and portrayal of harmonic texture. Only reservation - 100w/c may not have control over WP8s' bass.
The Watt Puppies 8 were reviewed in HIFICritic. Colloms found the Reference 110 " worked remarkably well" . The speakers are more efficient than might be thought, 160 watts giving 109 db in a typical room. It would seem that 110 watts would be sufficient. In a later test of the 110 Colloms found that " the System 8's particular quality of natural spaciousness and precise depth plane perspective was perfectly illuminated by the 110." And "the near holographic vocal focus, natural presence and clear articulation of the Wilson amp seems to find a matching partner in this amp." His opinion carries some weight as he has used various versions of the speaker as a reference since it has been introduced. So I think there would be no concern it you chose to use it.
Looking at my post I see that I said Wilson amp when I meant Wilson speaker and forgot the passage that most directly answers your question. "One might have predicted that the tough low frequency loading might have stressed an all valve amplifier , but we found the bass quite upbeat within sensible loudness limits. It is nicely percussive, if in a mildly valve-like softened manner, with notably clean tune playing for acoustic bass instruments-classy bass by any standard." His tests on the speaker showed low levels of distortion at ordinary listening levels and beyond, 102 db at 40 Hz produced only 1.5% of second harmonic and just .2% of third.
Hi guys, really appreciate all your replies.
Hi Cincy_bob, I like Dartzeel for its tube-like presence in the midrange, with focus and precision of a great SS amp. From your experience, was Dartzeel able to drive W/Ps' mid and low bass with full conviction?
Arwp, the answer to your question is yes. The darTZeel amp had no problem in driving the mid and low bass frequencies. The bass was tight, fast, and punchy.
I have a Wilson puppy 7 and test the Plinius Hiato and Sa-103 power amplifier , both have a great sound (more later i write about sound differences). The Plinius Hiato has 300watts AB Class and work perfect the lower frequency, very fast, tight and explosive playing Oberture 1812 of Telarc. When test the same music with Plinius SA-103 125 Watts Class A the bass area was not really controlled and feel less tight and more shorted bass transient.

Do you think the 125 Watts Class A of Sa-103 is not enought for Wilson Puppy 7 , may be need more power like Plinius SA-Reference 300Watts Class A or need more current in the electric circuit of the wall and better power cable.

Some has experience with this ?