Dahlquist DQ 10 help.

Im new into the whole hi fi thing. My father gave me a pair of DQ 10's and I want to purchase an amp or reciever to drive them. I want to double check everything I know cause they are in the family and I don't want to destroy them. I re foamed em and everything checks out, I just want to fire em up now and let them sing.

The paperwork says they handle 200 watts and are 8 ohms. Just checking that I understand all this correctly. Im a former electrical engineering student and I have developed a bit of OCD tendencies concerning anything power electronics. I understand the technical aspect of wiring correct polarity and what wiring to use. My questions concern semantics mostly, when buying an amp or receiver, when it says 2 X 200 watts I assume that's two channels that each provide 200 watts.

I have also read many different things about connections and mono and stereo methods of driving them. I was wondering if anyone would help me with what I should do.

Finally topic, any suggestions on what I should use to drive these babies, also how much do I really need a sub and what equipment change would that provide.

Thank you for all the help,
Don't know if you know about these guys? Former Dahlquist employees and they have about everything you'll ever need to update/mod your DQ10s.

I owned these speakers for years and drove them with a Dynaco stereo 70's with very good results. But with solid state I needed a high current amp. Tubes work well with the DQ10.

To save money look for a good high current integrated amp. There are many on the market. The McIntosh brand would be golden with the DQ10.

It is still a great speaker even for this day. Wonderful for classical and jazz and good with rock also. If setup right great sound stage also.

This were one of my most musical sounding speakers and a lot better then the hype up speakers being designed today in a lot of ways.
Well I bought an amp. It's only a QSC GX3, but considering that I am a poor college student the whole setup truly impresses me. So far I am absolutely hooked on this hi fi addict thing. Thanks for the help guys!!