custom-built tube amps

Wht are the pros and cons of having a tube amp "custom built"? I heard one that another person had, by the same "builder", and it sounded absolutely glorious. What questions should I ask?
Like all things consumer, caveat emptor (may the buyer beware). In the last 5 years, a huge number of "new" companies have come up like mushrooms, all offering tube equipment alledged to be "the worlds best" etc., etc. I am sure that a number of these companies are owned and run by skillful, qualified, passionate people who design, produce, and stand behind their products. I am also sure that many of these companies have been set up just to take advantage of the new commercial "opportunities" that exist in the new tube revival. Talk to the owners, find out how long they have been in business and how man items they have produced. Watch out for newcomers, high voltage can kill!
Advances in tube circuit design in the last 30 years are almost non-existent; after all the SE triodes date from the '30s. So every competent technician can copy an old design, use high quality modern parts and come out with a decent tube amp. Many of the minor manufacturers are doing just that. The only difficult part of the design are output transformers, and the good ones are terribly expensive. So you can really do a fine DIY tube amp, if you do not electrocute yourself with the high voltages ;-) Making a great tube amp though, is extremely difficult.
I am back for hobby to build tube single ended amplifier
Balance input and output what are the good tubes
Kindly advice
I don't think the members that started this thread are still around. I'm actually very surprised that this thread was allowed to be revived. This may be the oldest thread revived to date.

To Tubesamp's question. I would say check diyaudio forum for more details on this. There are too many options available.

Here is an example I found of a DIY SET amp that uses 6C33C tubes.