Covering a naked platter- MMF 7 has no felt pad

I am a 'Budget' Audiophile re-entering vinyl after many years and just purchased a used MMF 7 in excellent condition. The original felt pad is missing, thus the platter is bare. The table & Goldring Eroica H sound fine as is, and I would appreciate the advice of experienced audiophiles. Leave as is or ? Also I'm using the interconnects that shipped with the table & would like to upgrade, are there other items useful to maintaining my MMF 7 & cartridge? Recommendations? I have a Disc Washer. Exposure 2010S amp with moving coil phone stage, NHT SuperOnes on stands,(yes I know, old, & still sound decent in my small apt)
Thanks in advance.
I used Herbies on my MMF 5.1 SE with nice results....I use one now on my Amadeus...highly recommended.
I use a Music Hall cork mat on my MMF 5 with good results. Have heard good things about the Herbie mats. Go with cork, it will improve your sound greatly.