Counterpoint SA-3.1 and 5.1

I never see these pre-amps available. I remember them as very easy to listen to while having quite a bit of detail. Are they all dead or is it that no one wants to part with them?
Was always intrigued by Counterpoint products. Never could afford at the time. 
   Memory serves as an amazing audio company. 
Oh, I forgot.  Any tube product should have a slow start tube filament supply and a delayed high voltage for the tubes so to prevent cathode stripping of the tubes.  One can do this by switching on the supply for the high voltage after the slow startup of the filaments.  Without a delayed high voltage your tubes won't last long.  Michael Elliott made excellent products but unfortunately they were prone to problems.  With some simple modifications his power amps and preamps are still very high quality and with the extremely expensive products today are a incredible value.  As the dollar continues to drop in value audio products along with everything else will continue to rise. 

I've got one of these that has a smashed/broken fusebox. the box is no longer whole, and I need a replacement. Anyone know what brand/part no fusebox Mr Elliott used for these and where someone could get one? I also would like to know the value of the fuse for the 120V version, because the label part is also broken off.