Counterpoint preamps

In my knowledge Counterpoint folded a few years ago. Recently I came across many second hand sales of Counterpoint equipment, especially preamps. Do you think it is worth it? Which models to look after for? And at waht price?
Just to let you know, I've never heard the preamps, but you don't need to worry about repairs, service, etc, because Michael Elliot, the lead designer there, has a business at where he upgrades and repairs old counterpoint gear.
I suggest you pass on Countpoint pre-amps. The company is out of business, repairs maybe a problem and the technology is dated. There are other used units for sale from companies that are still in business that you should consider. cheers.......
Counterpoint amps are a great value. Repairs are available via Michael Elliot the designer/founder of Counterpoint. I have owned an SA-1000/SA-12 combo for 10 years and they have been dependable, great components. They are still worth about half what I paid for them. I think that is a good testimony. Michael Elliot also performs mods.