Consonance Droplet CDP owners

does anyone experience this with this player: i can actually hear the cd spinning sound coming thru the speakers.....anyone else? thanks
All I can say is that I'm glad I have the Cayin 17
sorry can't help ya You could have done worse with the "Stibbert". An italian job.
I had this player for 2 months and I don't recall hearing this. What I did hear, however, from a fully broken-in player was a restricted soundstage and a mechanical, non-lifelike sound. I dumped it at a big loss. One of the most overrated pieces of gear I have ever run across.
Kira - This player cannot compare in any way to my new EMM 1 box player, but for the price, it sounded excellent. Analog like sound with a nice open stage. Missing some detail, but still enjoyable to listen to. It does sound digital and artificial compared to the EMM (EMM is 3 times the price), but the EMM player cannot compare to my analog front end (Grand Prix Monaco table/ Dynavector arm/cartridge), and so the story goes.
I agree that this was an overrated player, and as such, I have noticed on Audiogon that these players now go for nearly half off list!!!

I never heard the spinning through the speakers, but did hear it from several feet away coming from the machine.

Also true was the reelatively high temperature the top of the unit would get to.

My issue was that it did not live up to it's $3K sound. It was O/K, and better in balanced mode, but it just didn't fit into the system.

I had to return mine after several hours as the digital motherboard went bad, and then to add insult to injury, I was sent a replacement that was a unit waiting for repair that was sent by mistake (I do realize it was the dealers fault here).

The final replacement was sent, but had imperfections in the wood block that were noticeable from a distance.

After all this, I just gave up the fight and sold it.

Hope you have better luck with yours!!!!