Consensus Audio Magma?

Hi there Iam trying to audition these speakers in the UK does anyone know of a sutable dealer in the London area?

Hi there,

I am the sole UK distributor for these superb speakers based in Gloucestershire, 1.5 hours from London.
Let me know if I can assist.
We currently have a set of Magmas for demo purposes.

Contact us on
I auditioned the Magmas in Germany and thought they were over priced compared to Wilson so I am still on the hunt for my dream speakers.

Wilson don't even come close personally - over eq'd bass end, overly harsh top end.
The Magmas are far more cohesive and sound much more musical than Watt/Puppy and Sasha at similar pricing.
I have A/B'ed many times throughout both ranges.
Thanks for your input Ian, however it is a shame you have never heard the consensus range and then leave favourable feedback for Wilson against them.
Especially from someone who goes for an 'audition' after supposedly ordering a set!
If you want to bad mouth a brand for your own personal reasons - please look elsewhere - we have neither the time of the inclination to deal with time wasters.
Good luck selling your 'dream' Revel speakers and Pass amps.