CONRAD JOHNSON MV50 Owners, anyone outthere?

I have one of these old babys in my main system and I love the way it sound.
The sweet,warm and relax sound it delivers.
Year after year I refuse to sell it and buy another tube amplifier, although all my friends said that im crazy and this guy belong to the past.
So, last night, I was wondering how many people outthere use it today in his main stereo system?
And also if anybody has made some capacitors and other type of upgrade like the ones that partsconexxtion offers?
Well, lets see how many MV50s are living and kicking today...
Alan, I was trying to improve its sound for you. I do not own one. I now see you'll be replacing it so improving it is a mute point.

But I have to ask...if you love its sound so much, why replace it? Does it have enough power? If you replace it, maybe the current MV60 would be a good bet for you. It has a little (1.1dB) more power, lots better/bigger output transformers(same as in the Premier Eleven-A as I understand it), and it's LOTS better looking. Can operate in triode, too.

Your love of the basic sound of your '50 may be the result of its use of EL34 output tubes, so if you replace it, I sugggest another EL34-based amp. If you want significantly more power, that would mean at least 2 pairs of '34s per channel.
I have heard the Premier 11 in a store a couple of times and it is quite a bit more open and dynamic than the MV45 was at my house.

I had my MV45 since the mid '80s, driving a pair of Quads 57 with a PV6 as the line stage. I totally agree with you regarding its good sound. I guess it has something to do with the EL34's. Last year, I bought a pair of Quad 988s and felt the MV45 a little underpowered. So against all advices, I bought a Premier 140. My friends predicted that I would have to re-mylar my speakers in no time. But as it turned out, the 140 is quite a good match given the inefficiency of the Quads. The 140 is not as warm and sweet as the MV45, but just by a tiny bit. Its probably due to the 6550 output tubes it uses, its more open, dynamic and authorative. Overall, I think it sound much better than the MV45 and I highly recommend to look into the Premier 140.
I owned an MV50 many years ago. Ran it with Rodgers LS3/5A's and Vandersteen 2Ci's. Their used to be an upgrade by the facory, to an MV52 which entails replacing the power supply capacitors will all polypropylene capacitors. I wouldn't be surprised if the factory still offers this. Maybe you could talk them into replacing the fixed power cord with a socket that would allow for an after market cord.