Comparison between Thiel 3.6 and 2.4

Has anyone heard both of these speakers? What are the sonic profiles of each? Which do you prefer? I have Thiel 2 2 and thinking about upgrading. System is: Ayre V5xe amp; PSE pre-amp; Arcam FJM 23 CD; Transparent Super cabling.
Funny how Thiel owners that "strayed" for awhile always go back to Thiel sooner or later. I know I did.

Once that timbral accuracy gets in you, it sticks.
I've heard the 3.6 and 2.3, so this is subjective, in as much as these were the ones I liked/could afford at the time. The 3.6 didn't seem to "converge" the sound as well as the 2.3, even though the bass was deeper. For whatever reason, I felt the bass was seperated a little from the mid & tweter. This could have been due to sitting closer than eight feet from them also; I had a 9-foot distance from the 2.3's.
I feel your decision on which one to get needs to start with the size room you plan to put them in. Both the 3.6 and 2.4 like to be spread wide, pointed straight ahead, not near any walls, and with the listener at least 8 feet away for the 2.4, and probably 9-10 feet for the 3.6.

The 3.6 will have deeper bass, but I feel the 2.4 does everything else better. The single unit midrange/tweeter eliminates a critical crossover element that makes the 2.4 a more well rounded speaker. The impediance curve on the 2.4 also gives you more flexibility with amplifiers.