I have a lot of experience with Naim gear. Two key points to consider. One - there are few cross-over points between the Naim philosophy/gear and the rest of the audio world. What this means is that while some Naim gear can perform very well together with other gear, it performs a lot better in an all Naim system. This is particularly true of Naim speakers, Naim cables and Naim amplifiers. Naim systems respond very well to improvements in your power supply by running dedicated mains, and ensuring all contacts back to the building's power inlet are clean and tight - but respond poorly to any form of power conditioning or filtering. Naim gear tends to respond best to tight coupling of components to the floor with light and rigid racks/shelves/spikes - as opposed to the bladder or sorbothane/compliant feet methods. Two - the whole Naim philosophy is about PRAT (pace, rhythm and timing). That is, the pursuit of musical enjoyment through the Naim upgrade path is via a path that attempts to stay true to the music's elements that connect with your body and soul, not just your ears and brain. This is in contrast to the TAS type of philosophy which is more objective (even though they are criticised for being too subjective) and focusses on identifiable sound characteristics like timbral accuracy, dynamics, resolution, spatial detail etc. In my view both philosophies have their merits. The TAS philosophy is somewhat flawed as is evidenced by the many audiophiles that spend huge amounts in pursuit of better "sound" but find their systems are no more musically enjoyable than their car stereos. If the "sound" could be perfected then perhaps the music would return, but perfection is not practical. On the other hand, while Naim systems are generally always musical (if set up right), they can be irritating or fatiguing in the longer term because of persistant colorations or other "sound" anomolies. To me the best course lies in between. The only Naim systems I like are to be found in their top of the range gear where both good sound and good music can be achieved.