Comments on Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver

I am considering replacing my expensive Rowland Concentra I integrated amplifier and Fanfare FM tuner with the Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver. I am downscaling my 2nd system but plan on keeping my ProAC 2.5 speakers (I think) and Meridian 508.24 CD player (upgraded 508-20). How will the Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver sound with the ProAc 2.5 speakers? Does the Receiver have enough power (and amps) to make these speakers really sound good? This system is used for mostly background listening but it still needs to sound good. I hope to listen to the MD-208 later this week and asking for your comments. Thanks..
While aging a bit I looked at my component built system and just about that time Magnum introduced the 208. Despite the early volume control related problems I found the unit to be a very pleasant sounding all in one box. So much so, that after the initial 1 year I have decided to add another one to my second home. As their are are without a doubt severeal alternatives in the amplification segment, I would have to strongly disagree with the idea of replacing its stunning tuner portion with a NAD, or really anything else other than another item from the MD line up. Unless of course if don't care for radio, which I am a serious listener of. I use (used) the receiver with B&W CM-4s, 802, and 805s and found it more than adequate to drive this particular selection. I find it to be very musical, with more than enough power to satisfy most interiors (in my case 350 and 420 sq ft). It is elegant, the simplicity of operation is an additional bonus and overall I would strongly recommend it. One complaint I would have is the lack of a light dimming feature, but apparently if switched awya from the FM section, it can be factory set to reduce the illumination. The current blue LEDs I find too bright. I am patiently waiting for the upcoming station preset with a new remote. What other companies have their president answer the 800 number when you have a question?
I agree with Audiofil that a NAD tuner is not the equal of the tuner section of the MD-208. However, when a good NAD tuner is paired with better amplification that the stock MD-208 can provide( meaning the 'economy line' old Celeste amp from Sim audio, or similar-quality Magnum's own amp section ), I beleive it can actually be a better set-up all things considered. As for the owner of Sim answering the phone...hmm...never happened to me when I needed their intervention and help in solving past problems with an I-5 integrated I once owned. I wish I could say that they took care of me but they didn't. Too bad, nice looking products.

I have, at different times, owned two of these units.  First in a second system and then later as a main unit.  Yes, you can do better for much more money, but at the price it does a very good job.  I have used it to drive Magnepan, Quad and other brands of dynamic speakers with much pleasure.  They also have been gracious with communications.