Coax Internet Cable: If I have to build one, what am I looking for exactly?

I am considering picking up an audio-grade coax cable to connect the internet wall outlet to the modem. My suspicion is that the digital coax cable that sits between the wall and modem is the same coax cable that feeds into a DAC--but with different connectors. I believe the standard coax connector to feed a DAC is the RCA connector while I need a Type-F connector to feed a coax-based internet service into the modem. 

I haven't seen anything on this forum on this topic. I also don't see any audio brands offering premade coax internet cables (e.g.  

If I have to build my own coax cable to feed into the modem, what am I looking for? AQ has 3 connector offerings, including Type-F, for both 18 AWG and 24 AWG sizes. And their respective 18 AWG and 24 AWG pages list their compatible bulk cable being either "HD6" or "ITA, ITV or MAC 24". 

I figure that I might as well build a coax cable to feed into the DAC while I'm at it. It looks like the HD6, ITA, or ITV are made for different applications. From their price book, AQ says that HD6 is for "Video, RF, Digital, Subwoofer" while ITA is for analog and ITV is for video. From this info, I believe the HD6 bulk cable would be ideal to both feed a modem and a DAC. 

So, here are the main questions:

  1. Anyone know of any premade coax internet cables?
  2. If I need to build my own coax cables to feed the modem and DAC, does the info above look correct?
  3. Can anyone share their experience building coax cables?
  4. Can anyone share their experience upgrading their coax internet cable?

@macdude I was using the Phat Satellite cable for the last couple years. I switched over to the Blue Jeans RF cable this year along with an AudioQuest RF cable that's not currently in the AQ catalog, and I liked the results.

As a disclaimer, I didn't hold variables constant. I pulled out 4 coax cables in total, one of which was the Phat, and replaced them with 1 AQ and 3 Blue Jeans cables. In sum, I liked the outcome, but I didn't compare 1 Phat vs 1 Blue Jeans directly. 

I have the DH labs coaxial cable for my Xfinity modem.

Has anyone upgraded their Xfinity cable to DH labs?

So far it's one of those "never look back" upgrades.

Wow, just wow. Who would've thought the cable from the wall was the bottleneck?

Just goes to show you how inadequate the Xfinity cable is for music streaming.

Thank you to @auxinput for recommending this cable.

@jehab was way ahead of the game in 2021.

Would be interesting to hear the differences between the Jade and DH labs cable. Belden also makes an RG6 cable.

I'm surprised high end cable makers (other than DH labs) haven't introduced a reference quality RG6 cable, considering how important this connection from the wall outlet to the Xfinity modem is.