Clements audio speakers?

Has anyone heard any speakers from this line? If
so what do you think?
Thanks for any input.
A magazine reviewer just told me two days ago that they were not answering their website-listed phone number found at
Just picked up a pr. of 208DI for 120 canadian .. in mint shape .. don't think the guy who sold them knew what he had .. rushed home and played a few tunes on them .. wow are they sweet ... can't seem to find any information on them .. and not a member on this site .. would love to know more about them .. what they cost new and what they are worth today ..any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks ...... Thunder.

The 7/16/03 post in this thread gives the manufacturer's url, and their website has at least some information.

I'd say you got a deal, even with any technical issues related to the speakers' aging, such as surrounds deteriorating or woofers sagging from gravity or erstwhile advances in driver technology, etc.
Phill Is vary much Alive And the new compony (Solus) Is doing Grate. I am A Dealer For Phill In Up State NY. Audio Sound Solustions
The new Solus Line has been grate for Our Home Thater market. His in wall Speakers (GR-6 , Gr-8, And the amasing Ir8 With the Same 7" Hybrid/ Planar Ribbon And 8" Driver With the 1.5" Voice Coil.) This Ir8 Is Modeled After the RT-7, the Crossover Ribbon And Driver are all the same the diffrence is that thease go in the wall.
I Hope this has help some people with the mithe the Clements / Solus is gone.
Solus/Clements LoundSpeakers
4211 E. Elwood St
Suite 5
Phoenix, Az 85040
Phone # 1-602-431-1290
Audio Sound Solustions