Clements audio speakers?

Has anyone heard any speakers from this line? If
so what do you think?
Thanks for any input.
I have a pair of Clements 600SI speakers, made by Audiosphere in Canada, who subsequently went bankrupt. I believe Clements bought the name back from the receiver, but they have dissapeared again since 2002. I wouldn't mind getting a new tweeter myself.

I heard the RT-7 on many occasions. Very nice.
Philip Clements bought the company back from the Canadians around 1998 and he runs it out of Arizona. He also is working on another line of in wall/ home theater stuff with ribbons, "Solius Inc." I believe (close anyway). Parts are tough to find- he hooked me up with a replacement tweeter in 1998 for my Ref-1's (great speakers). I just went with scan-speak for replacement woofers after a tragic tube arc that has turned put to be very fortuitous. I spoke with him recently and got the impression that RT-7 plans have fallen by the wayside and that the Solius stuff is what he is focused on... really nice and helpful guy. cheers
A magazine reviewer just told me two days ago that they were not answering their website-listed phone number found at
Just picked up a pr. of 208DI for 120 canadian .. in mint shape .. don't think the guy who sold them knew what he had .. rushed home and played a few tunes on them .. wow are they sweet ... can't seem to find any information on them .. and not a member on this site .. would love to know more about them .. what they cost new and what they are worth today ..any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks ...... Thunder.