Classical SACD's to die for

I don't think there is a thread like this so I thought I would start one :)

The "recordings to die for" thread is very interesting, but not much use for those of us who are only into classical. At the moment i'm trying to build up my SACD collection before the whole format goes bust. Hopefully my SACD buying efforts might PREVENT the format from going bust!

This list is for SACD's ONLY.

Anyway, here is my list:

[url=]]Cantate Domino[/url] has been in the library of every audiophile who is into classical music for years. I had a LP, CD, and now it has been reissued on SACD. This disc is a collection of traditional Christmas music sung in a Swedish accent. The transfer is first rate, the sound quality is excellent. The church acoustic is captured brilliantly but on some tracks you can hear passing traffic.

Elly Ameling sings Schubert Lieder. Schubert was the greatest writer of lieder, and Ameling was one of the greatest lieder singers in modern times. She has a sweet, approachable, and friendly voice. The recording and transfer is very good, but not up to the standard of an audiophile disc. A thoroughly enjoyable disc.

Beethoven Symphony No. 7 - Carlos Kleiber / Bayerisches Staatsorchester. In the field of crowded Beethoven offerings this one stands out. The recording is incredibly good, with preserved instrumental timbres and a real sense of the orchestral texture and scale. The performance is absolutely compelling. This is a rare combination of a first rate recording and a first rate performance.

Bach Sonatas and Partitas - Julia Fischer. Fischer is one of the more exciting young violinists today. Compared to my other versions of the Bach sonatas (Szeryng, Heifetz, and Suk), Fischer is more liberal with her tempi but also more articulate with her playing. Her violin has a mellow, sweet sound which never sounds harsh. The recording is up to Pentatone's usual standard.

Beethoven Violin Concerto, Mendelssohn Violin Concerto - Heifetz / Munch / Boston SO. A stunning reissue of this classic disc. Heifetz is at his best - superb playing which does not go overboard. The Boston SO under Munch keeps up with the high standard of Heifetz' playing. Very well recorded.
I agree with you about the excellence of the SACD version of Cantate Domino and will add La Stravaganza (12 violin concertos by Vivaldi) on Channel Classics CCS SA 19503 (Rachel Podger/ Arte Dei Suonatori). The latter has one the most natural sounding reproductions of massed strings.
Mahler 6th Symphony, Fischer Ivan conductor, Budapest Fesztivál Orchestra, Channel Classics,
Mahler 2nd Symphony, Fischer Ivan conductor, Budapest Fesztivál Orchestra, Channel Classics,
Feeling adventurous?
Try Stravinsky Choral Works (including Les Noces) conducted by Daniel Reuss on Harmonia Mundi HMC801913.
Also Skalkottas Piano Concerto No.2, BBC Symphony/Madge/Christodoulou on BIS SACD 1484. BIS classical on either CD or SACD are some of the very finest recordings I've encountered. Look for their Holmboe and Sibelius series.
Ajahu I am very familiar with the Mahler Symphonies. I have not heard the Ivan Fischer works that you speak of. What is it about Fischer's Mahler #6 that you think makes it so special?

(I have the Horenstein, Haitink, Karajan, Zander, and Szell versions).
I didn't know about the Kleiber, either. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

I have heard nothing but good things about Leornard Slatkin's Mahler 2nd on Telarc reissued as SACD (haven't heard it or bought it as I don't yet have an SACD player). The performance is said to be on the cool side, but very beautiful, as is the recording.

Speaking of Mahler and SACD: A chap wrote a letter to American Record Guide, complaining that his SACD player would not play one of Michael Tilson-Thomas's Mahler recordings (new cycle, with San Francisco) in that mode, since the layers on that recording were only 2-channel CD and multi-channel SACD, and he didn't have multi-channel. Is it the case that many SACD's only have these two layers, or is the problem CD/SACD player-dependent?


Steve O.