Classical Music for Aficionados

I would like to start a thread, similar to Orpheus’ jazz site, for lovers of classical music.
I will list some of my favorite recordings, CDs as well as LP’s. While good sound is not a prime requisite, it will be a consideration.
  Classical music lovers please feel free to add to my lists.
Discussion of musical and recording issues will be welcome.

I’ll start with a list of CDs.  Records to follow in a later post.

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique.  Chesky  — Royal Phil. Orch.  Freccia, conductor.
Mahler:  Des Knaben Wunderhorn.  Vanguard Classics — Vienna Festival Orch. Prohaska, conductor.
Prokofiev:  Scythian Suite et. al.  DG  — Chicago Symphony  Abbado, conductor.
Brahms: Symphony #1.  Chesky — London Symph. Orch.  Horenstein, conductor.
Stravinsky: L’Histoire du Soldat. HDTT — Ars Nova.  Mandell, conductor.
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances. Analogue Productions. — Dallas Symph Orch. Johanos, cond.
Respighi: Roman Festivals et. al. Chesky — Royal Phil. Orch. Freccia, conductor.

All of the above happen to be great sounding recordings, but, as I said, sonics is not a prerequisite.


Showing 50 responses by schubert

I don't remember any recording from the Czech's  that was not at least very good .Many are superb .
Not yet Jim , but I intend to Amazon it soon . I love Debussy and Rameau even more . I’ve don’t believe I ever heard a French composer
that I did not like , been neglecting them of late , were there only 300 years of life for Classical Afiicionados !

Je Ne Sais Quoi is not a empty phrase .
Aye , and a little known fact . In both WW 1 and WW II the Canadians
did better than ANY other allied troops .

I was astonished to learn the Canadians with a wee 3 Divisions were the "British" shock troops for last 2 years and never were a day off the line !
They took so many casualties the German soldiers would not shoot at any wounded Canadian trying to crawl back to their lines .The Ultimate respect from one soldier to another.
A nation with less than 8 million people put 600 , 000 men though its forces .

The iconic film any in WW II D-day film is British soldiers with great elan up and at them jumping into waist-deep water .

Only it is the Canadian 1st Division .
Needless to say many of the Canadians in both wars were Scottish immigrants .

As of late we have seen the light ,

If Bach was the only music in the Universe music  would still be Gods greatest gift to man .

I just completed my Olafsson Debussy& Rameau CD.
The pride of Iceland was born to play this French music !

Very well balanced , no great this or that , just the music as written with
the clarity of a mountain stream and as agile as a deer .

He makes the music sound like it was written just for you in any time and any place .He understands what a artist is , a servant of the music .

The path from Rameau to Debussy is there in spades . and a lovely lane it is .
5 .5 Stars from here !

I have for at least 40 years thought Rameau was in the line just below Bach .

Here is a beautiful rendering of a true masterpiece seldom heard by
the most seldom played great composer of the last century .

The pandemic just raised the curtain on the shadow dance of the last 60 years   .

I saw and heard the witch is dead many times jim .Believe it or not I actually sang it to myself before I heard anything .Looks like an average American need not worry about
being anywhere in Europe for years to come .

I had to cancel my last 2 Lufthansa business class Chicago - Berlin this Oct + December , 250,000 miles worthless .

.To be honest coming from an alcoholic family it is hard for me to be in Scotland , at least they vacinated me from it .I hear you on the Keyboard Partitas with Pinnock , I played them a hundred times till I forgot where I put them. Fun galore !
I ONLY  loath Wagner . Don't care for opera's  with incest  as the theme either.I care greatly that Wagner did much to make murdering millions OK ..
There is other Music than Piano . This bit is modern and conducted by the composer.

This piece confirms , to me at least, his greatness . Sadly Sir Peter is no longer with us .
The real Haydn when he wrote what HE wanted !
Very top of Classical music .

Haydn is the equal of  Mozart and he him.
Most all on here would choose Mozart, I lean a bit toward  Haydn because the String Quartet  is my wheelhouse.
We are both  correct .
As did Haydn did with his superb religious works that challenge the Bach
Passions and beat them all with his superb St Qts .
Mozart’s piano concertos are the best and his opera’s are excellent .

There is a little guy named Puccini who did better in song and strikes even deeper to the human heart but I don’t think he wrote any symphony’s.

I’,ve seen half the men and all the women in tears at Madam Butterfly , Never seen anybody crying at a Mozart opera .
Unless you are God there is no such thing as" elevation" of the heart this side of heaven and we all know that Bach is the Zenith .
You have the right to tell us about you emotional state , I do it all the time .But it is just  ours . And only God knows what is what about human spirit etc

B.S. in an opera he dam sure does !

Can’t but agree with you Jim.I

At my age time is of the essence . Like any Classical lover I have played
all the LvB sonatas many times . Bach takes about 1/3 of my 5-6 hours daiily time. My biggest love has always been String Quartet and to me that’s LvB’s best music . His last are beyond compare .

Haydn needs no help there nor does Schubert or the 2 gems of Leos Janacek for starters And a few hundred others .
If you want to go deep kids ,the Buxtehude outing on Naxos 8.557251 will get you there.
As will Byrd, Purcell and the Bach of his time,the Great Josquin Desprez.

P.S. Jim , I have long thought the Haydn Piano pieces were up there with Mozart but never said so.                 Few years ago I heard  Imogene Cooper the great knock out  a few live in the wonderful acoustics                  of MACALESTER  college in St Paul( started by Scots and one of the elite US liberal arts colleges ),
                   the women was so powerful and  skilled the audience was frozen . Say it to  any one since !

Every time I spin a Brahms LP I love him more .

This piano qt  #3  is so perfect  I sometimes am almost scared to play it .

Tried to get a better sound on Maestro Puccini ’s 3rd Masterpiece above which was still sung as a human being can sing, bad sound and all . 14 years latter the drink had taken its toll .
Here Jussi sings" O’Holy Night’ in his native Swedish and you will never hear it done better !

Sweden does Christmas   the best I  have seen .
Thank you so much jcazador !

Think I will jump into the water.

To me , this is the Greatest piece of Music Ever Written .
One my way to Amazon for the HM cut Jim.
IMO The greatest for the last are the American Yale Qt.But very hard to find . I have the original Vinyl and if I could only keep one LP it would be it .Seen the Vinyl going for over $500!I’ll see if I can find one ,try in UK, if I find one here I’ll send it to Scotia .
The first are as good as the last, just in a different way .

Gabh mo liesgeul
The Gealic was God Bless You , Jim.
I don't know that in Glasgow .
God Bless You  Next Year  ! 
With a good wife and loving daughter he has done well so far .

A great Organ piece of  "Wachet Auf"
The problem with Bach's words in his greatest Cantata is that
words , in any  tongue ,   only get in the way with a choir .

For those who think of all the Violin Concertos , like me, is the Brahms,. here is a great one . I heard it yesterday at a friends house and just bought it at Amazon . Has excellent Double Con. as well.

Not a few think that the Gewandhaus under Chailly was as good as any band in the world .
Think you could knock this out, rv?
Wish I could  , at a concert in Glasgow University .
Tomorrow !

Gee , just saw one country  is far ahead of all others on  getting the wholepopulation vaccinated .
It's in North Europe and first letter  starts with a G . Bet nobody can guess. .
I had not heard this till now.
Will need a few takes on the Sibelius  with this band.

That said , I believe Julia Fisher is the greatest violinist alive . You Tell Me.
Great as Oiistrakh was/is I can think of 2 others I think better in the Sibelius.
Kyung Wha Chung , London SO/ Andre Preven/ Decca
Cho-Liang Lin Esa-Pekka Salonen/Philharmonia Orchestra /SonyThe Finn really brings it home .

To me this young lady, who died young, is the best of them all . Plane crash in 1940’s. Walter Susskind

This was made in 1945 and though the recording was not great she was .

In this recording everything is Great !

I heard the Barenboim several times Jim.Like everything he does it was done very well.
I heard his orchestra many times when it had other names
and he has lifted to a higher level.

But , I still think E-P Salonen is a better conductor and Cho-Liang Lin gives an immacaculate performance from the first to last note, second to
none !
Of course we all hear what we hear.
I hope Scotia hears they had better get off the T- vessel built on Clyde-Side /

I would never challenge Milstein on Bach, or anything else for that matter.
Of late I like to listen to this British lady as well. .

And  I will never not drop in to hear this good man.
Now here is a d.960 for you rv . I call her goldylocks, not too much , not too little! (with a 58+9 first)
A lot of people play Schubert , few understand him like her .
Came to me who he was when I saw his "Madrigals For A Tudor King"on Amazon as I have that(somewhere).They are out  the Four Voices but will pop up on my waiting list.
Did buy "Song of Songs" which I will get on Friday .Clueless about what it is .

I know Jim . I just don’t like to listen that way .
Brixet= The Empire is still there .
Very good for the Liszt  fan.A very good Concerto 2  with  elements  explained  by the artist .
The Gotthenburg  Orch . is  made for Liszt