classical label monitors

Does anyone know what monitors are used by classical music labels such as Harmonia Mundi, Linn, DG, EMI, Decca, Pentatone, Chandos, and the inhouse label that produced MTT's Mahler cycle? I know that Telarc uses ATC but I have not found a source for what these other labels use.
The PMC website has an impressive "key client list". Not sure how many are classical labels. Funny, they list Polygram New York. Hmmm.
Interesting list.
The PMC website has an impressive "key client list".

And PMC used ATC midrange for years and recently their own clone of ATC's three inch mid dome design. So two of the more popular studio monitor designs happen to share the same mid range (and cross over frequencies).
A link to look at some of the studios.Link.